This is a ginger creme brulee tart. I have never been so patient with my baking in my life... and let me tell you... this tart takes A LOT of patience. I got this recipe from the blog Almost Bourdain, and modified it here and there. I just had a look at the pics from that blog... and wow does my tart look different to hers. *sigh* one day.....
Tarts are another one of my obsessions. They are so damn hard to get perfect and I am a little proud of this little baby! It may have taken up to 3 days to assemble the whole tart but the satisfaction i got from putting the finishing touches on it was worth it!
It was not easy, let me tell you that much. I ran into quite a number of problems. So on the first night, I started off by infusing my custard mix with the chai herbs and ginger. Mind you, being as inpatient as i am, i decided to start this at 11pm at night, the same night i found the recipe. So once I had made that up, and popped it into the fridge, I started working on my tart base. I was uber excited as this would be the first time that I would be using my PROCESSOR! Unfortunately, I did not read the instructions, and forced the top compartment on, which caused it to become stuck. After around 30 minutes of trying to get it apart, I finally removed it... At this point, there was a lot of swearing and frustration going on.
My second problem was on the second day when i started to actually make up the custard. After 1 hour of stiring the custard over a low heat,,,, i began to get a little annoyed at the fact that nothing was happenign and my custard was not thickening. Once i reread the recipe, i found out that i had used the wrong type of cream. In which I had to add a lot of corn flour to my mixture which solved the problem. PHEW
My third problem was that my tart bases were shrinking significantly and i had no idea why. But hey, i was going for the 'rustic' home made look... i guess.
Anyways, so conclusion is, this was a hell of a hard thing to make, and althought it isnt perfect, i am quite proud of it! Will add the recipe tomorrow!
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